Executive Council of the Staff Association

Representatives and officers are elected to three-year terms. Elections are held every fall to fill open seats.


Pat Healy: (2024, 2nd term) Academic Administrative Assistant, Old Library 103, x5332, phealy@brynmawr.edu

Christine D’Ascenzo: (2024, 1st term) Executive Assistant and Enrollment Department Coordinator, Gateway 106, x5154 cdascenzo@brynmawr.edu

Jennifer Russell: (2024 1st term) Associate Director of Undergraduate Â鶹AV, Gateway 103, x 7473 jrussell@brynmawr.edu

Executive Council

Christine Boyland: (2024, 1st term) Senior Educational Technology Specialist, Canaday Library 300, x7448, cboyland@brynmawr.edu

Jennifer Coval:  (2024, 1st term) Student Success Librarian, Canaday Library 111, x5520, jcoval@brynmawr.edu

Diane Gentry: (2023, 2nd term) Associate Director of Research, Helfarian, x5124, dgentry@brynmawr.edu

Mia Harvey: (2024, 1st term) Student Engagement Coordinator, Campus Center 1st Floor, x7871, mharvey@brynmawr.edu

Rod Matthews: (2024, 1st term) Multimedia Coordinator, Merion Basement, x7449, rmatthew@brynmawr.edu

Sakinah Rahman: (2024, 1st term), Director of Administrative Services, Taylor Hall, X7965, srahman1@brynmawr.edu

MaryAnn Schiller: (2024, 1st term) Assistant Director of Athletics, Gym, x7348, mschiller@brynmawr.edu

Shalana Thomas:  (2024, 1st term) Financial Aide Specialist, Gateway 200, x5510, sthomas2@brynmawr.edu

Tracy Weber:  (2024, 1st term) Director of Global Education, Guild, x7352, tweber1@brynmawr.edu

*Interim representatives have 1-year terms, during which they are asked to fill a vacancy until the next Staff Association elections, when they may run for the standard three-year term. This is done to ensure full membership on the Executive Council in the event that a representative is not able to complete their term. Executive Council members also serve on various committees and working groups, as listed below.

Staff Association Working Groups

Communications Working Group

Community Relations Working Group

Staff Appreciation Working Group

Ways and Means Working Group

College Committee Participants

Representatives to the Administrative Office Heads (AOH)

Representatives to the Budget Committee (meets three times per year)

Representatives to the Benefits Committee (meets one time per year)

Representatives to the Board of Trustees (meets in October, February and April)

Retirement Investments (meets quarterly)