Study Abroad Committee
The Role of the Study Abroad Committee
The Study Abroad Committee is responsible for evaluating applications from all Bryn Mawr students who want to study abroad during the academic year as part of their Bryn Mawr degrees. The Study Abroad Committee determines a student’s eligibility by looking at a variety of factors, including the overall and major grade point averages, the intellectual coherence of the study abroad experience with the academic program, the student’s overall progress towards the degree, and faculty recommendations. After careful review of applications, the Committee will notify the student of their decision granting, denying, or giving conditions for permission to study abroad. Only those students whose plans are approved by the Committee will be allowed to transfer courses from their study abroad programs towards their Bryn Mawr degrees.
Study Abroad Committee

Contact Us
Global Engagement
Tracy Weber
Director of Global Engagement
Phone: 610-526-7352
Fax: 610-526-7560
Gabby Sugarman
Program Coordinator of Global Education
Phone: 610-526-7867
Office Hours
9 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday-Friday