Email Signature
As a common way our college identity is seen by others both internally and externally, it is important to have consistency and cohesion for our email signature treatment. This guide should help as you update or create a Bryn Mawr email signature using our identity.
How to Update Your Signature
The email signature generator works best on a desktop device.
- Start by generating your email signature using the "Generate Your Email Signature" button below.
- Complete all required fields, and as many optional fields as you'd like, on the email generation form.
- Submit your information and a signature will be presented for review.
- If you need to make changes, reload the form and start again.
- If you are happy with your signature, click the "Copy Signature" button to add the signature to your clipboard.
- Mac users: Select "Keep Source Formatting" from the clipboard icon in the bottom right.
- Open Outlook and click on "New" to start a new message.
- In the menu, click on "Signature," then "Signatures..."
- You can create a new signature or update an existing signature by pasting the copied content from your clipboard into the editor window.
- Click "Save" - then you're ready to use your new signature!

Contact Us
Communications Office
101 N. Merion Ave.
Bryn Mawr, PA 19010-2899
Phone: 610-526-6520
Fax: 610-526-6525
Package Delivery
Dolwen House
221 N. Roberts Road
Bryn Mawr, PA