Primary Logomark

design - logo architecture - primary logo

Level One

Schools & Post-Baccalaureate

This lockup configuration is used to represent our academic units.

design - logo architecture - level one - gsas
design - logo architecture - level one - gsswsr
design - logo architecture - level one - postbacc

Level Two

Divisions, Departments, & Offices

This lockup configuration is used to represent divisions, units, and offices that report to the college president. 

design - logo architecture - level two - ard
design - logo architecture - level two - ugc
design - logo architecture - level two - lits

Level Three


This lockup configuration is used to represent units that report to divisional, office, or major unit leads.

design - logo architecture - level three - campus safety
design - logo architecture - level three - special collections
design - logo architecture - level three - gold

Guidelines for use

When deciding what level logo to use, it is important to determine what level of the college you represent hierarchically. If you are representing the college, a primary college logo should be used. If you represent GSAS, GSSWSR, or the Postbac program, use a level one logo. If you represent a division or department that reports to the president, use a level two logo. Otherwise, you should use the appropriate level three logo.

You should also consider your audience. If what you are creating will be primarily seen by an internal Bryn Mawr audience (students, faculty, staff, or alumnae/i), it is likely most appropriate to use the level one through three logo that corresponds to who is presenting or speaking to the audience. In the case of public-facing material, consider using one of the college’s primary marks or an appropriate level one logo. 

Using multiple level three logos under one division or department may become visually cluttered on some applications. In those cases, we recommend using the appropriate level two logo and listing the sponsoring units in regular typeface alongside the level two logo. If you have any questions about how best to achieve this, please reach out to the Communications creative team for assistance.

Communications will provide design support for logos at levels one through three. At level four or beyond, the creative team is happy to provide consultation on new logos but may not be able to produce the logo itself. 


All Carter Sans lockup components should be displayed in Navy. 
All Benton Sans lock up components should be displayed in Navy 80% tint.

Preferred Logo Placement

Left-aligned logos should be used in the left header or footer areas of print and digital materials.
Centered logos should be used in the middle header or footer areas of print and digital materials.


Please click the below box to gain access to our download repository for logos. Login is required. 


Contact Us

Communications Office

101 N. Merion Ave.
Bryn Mawr, PA 19010-2899
Phone: 610-526-6520
Fax: 610-526-6525

Package Delivery
Dolwen House
221 N. Roberts Road
Bryn Mawr, PA