Get Involved

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Check out what we do for Earth Week!




Get Involved

There are many ways for all community members to get involved. Being more sustainable on campus isn't only something for students. Faculty and staff can help as well. Look at our list below for ways you can be more involved with sustainability. If you're looking for personal ways to make change, check out our tips for what you can do to be more sustainable! 


  1. Check the Environmental Studies calendar for upcoming events.
  2. Consider ways that you can be more green in your practices. Look over our list of tips below to see what you can do!
  3. Join a student effort such as the Community Garden.
  4. Join a Self Government Association Appointed Position (Green Ambassador Co-Head, Campus Greening Representative) or run for an Elected Position (Green Ambassadors)
  5. Take a class in the Environmental Studies department or consider becoming a major or minor.
  6. Apply for a Green Grant from the Deans Office for summer internships and study.
  7. Ask the Civic Engagement Office for opportunities for volunteering with environmental causes.
  8. Check out the Civic Engagement Office's list of to see what local organizations you could volunteer with. 


  1. Check the Environmental Studies calendar for upcoming events.
  2. Join the Sustainability Leadership Group, or talk to your department representative for the SLG.
  3. Refer to our list of tips below to see what you can do to be more sustainable.
  4. Consider taking public transportation, and save money while you're at it!
  5. Set up a carpool group in your department.
  6. For Faculty, consider how topics on the environment may play into your course material. Think about having a class outdoors, having a segment on environmental justice, or, for science classes having an experiment involving the use of Rhoads Pond, the wildflower conservation area, the solar panels, or other on campus resources.
  7. Turn off your computer and monitor at the end of the day.
  8. Delete old emails that you no longer need - the internet required energy to run too.
  9. Print only when necessary, and when you do, print double sided.
  10. Utilize daylight in your office instead of turning on the lights.
  11. If you control your heat or air conditioning, turn it off or dial it back overnight and during the weekends.
  12. Use reusable items at home and at the store, like food containers, reusable wax paper, reusable produce bags, cloth bags, etc.
  13. Consider what changes you can make at home such as composting, installing LED lightbulbs or solar panels, using low flow water fixtures and more!
  14. Consider if it's worthwhile to purchase renewable energy over fossil fuels, many energy companies provide this option.
  15. Bring uncommon recyclable items (light bulbs, rechargeable batteries, aerosols, and ink cartridges) to Facilities in the Ward Building.

Student Groups

Explore all of Bryn Mawr's student-led clubs, including Bi-College and Tri-College groups, on the Student Engagement website.

Personal Actions

What You Can Do

Every action counts. Your personal actions influence your habits and those around you. Be a good example - it'll help yourself and your planet!

Although this list is written for dorms and college libraries, many of these practices can be applied to offices, apartments, homes, and more.

Ways to Reduce Your Footprint While:

  • If you have the option, only run your heat and air condition when you're in your room (information about how to operate your units can be found here)
  • Instead of adjusting the temperature in your room to be more comfortable, adjust your clothing - put on a sweatshirt or take off a layer
  • Invest in LED lights for your personal lamps
  • Use natural sunlight whenever you can
  • Only turn on your lights when you need them - and don't forget to turn them off!
  • Unplug unused or less frequently used items - they're still using energy
  • In the winter, and in the summer if your dorm has AC, make sure your windows are closed tight - leaky and open windows require a lot more energy to keep your room comfortable
  • Shut off all AV equipment after use
  • Turn off the lights 
  • Use natural lighting during the day
  • Take as much as you're willing to eat - you can always go back for more 
  • Limit the number of take out containers you use
  • Eat in before choosing to take out
  • If you decide to eat on the go, ditch the plastic utensils - keep a set of reusable utensils in your bag!
  • Bring your own travel mugs instead of taking a paper cup
  • Don't use a straw
  • Use the drying racks located in the laundry rooms
  • Use cool water - it makes your clothes last longer, and your clothes are still just as clean as if you used hot water
  • Only do laundry if you have a full load
  • Do your laundry less frequently - rewear items before washing
  • Use eco-friendly laundry products
  • Empty out the lint in the dryer
  • Print double sided
  • Print two pages per side
  • Do your readings on your computer instead of printing
  • Use black and white ink instead of colored ink
  • Don't run the water while you're brushing your teeth or washing dishes
  • Shorten your shower
  • Use slightly cooler water than you usually do - heating requires energy too!
  • Turn off the lights when you leave
  • Recycle! Toilet paper and paper towel rolls, plastic bottles, and more can be recycled
  • Look for items that are fair trade or organic
  • When buying items in containers, look for plastics, metals, and glass that can be recycled
  • Think about whether or not you really need it before you buy it
  • Buy food items in bulk - doing this reduces the amount of packaging
  • Always bring a reusable bag!
  • Buy things used - thrift stores, free boxes, and other places of resale are great resources
  • Consider shopping at a local store before going to a chain store
  • If given the option, request an e-receipt instead of a paper receipt