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360°: The Mediterranean as a Crossroads: History, Migrations, Identities

This 360°, composed of courses in History and French, examines the social, historical, artistic and cultural shape of the Mediterranean through the study of circum-Mediterranean port-cities and their populations.

This 360°, composed of courses in History and French, examines the social, historical, artistic and cultural shape of the Mediterranean through the study of circum-Mediterranean port-cities and their populations.

This 360°, composed of courses in History and French, examines the social, historical, artistic and cultural shape of the Mediterranean through the study of circum-Mediterranean port-cities and their populations. The two courses examine how cities have been affected by colonization, decolonization, Europeanization (EU), and political change (e.g. the current so-called “Arab Spring”) since the 19th century. They focus particularly on political economy, anti-colonial struggles, human migrations, and cultural movements. We ask: How have migrations affected the development of cities around the Mediterranean? How do diverse ethnic, religious, and political interest groups affect these cities and their regions? How have migratory movements affected art, urban planning and social structure? What infrastructures have supported this migratory flux? As a result of the migratory flux, how have city officials engaged the challenges of migration through policies?  Field experience for this 360° will include travel to Marseilles during Spring Break.


This course, taught by Agnès Peysson-Zeiss (French), studied the relationship between cities around the Mediterranean and France; how the various waves of immigration have shaped the cityscape, and how much of a thriving effect they had on its cultural, literary and artistic creation.

(History, Haverford College) taught this course, which introduced students to the social history of the Mediterranean region, examining how the Mediterranean world responded to the challenges of modernity and how its common cultural, geographical and geopolitical features helped shape those responses.

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