M.S.S./M.P.H. Dual Degree Curriculum
Eligible GSSWSR students who opt to earn the M.S.S./M.P.H. dual-degree will receive three transfer credits toward Jefferson’s M.P.H. degree for coursework taken as part of the M.S.S. degree program.
Courses Eligible for Transfer
- Research Informed Practice I (B503)
- Research Informed Practice II (B504)
- Power, Privilege, and Oppression (B595)
Courses to be Completed During the First Year of the M.S.S. Program (Before Starting M.P.H. Degree)
Students must complete one full year of Field Education and all generalist classes listed below:
- Field Education I & II
- Foundation Practice I & II
- Research Informed Practice I & II
- Theoretical Perspectives in Social Work I & II
- Assessment and Psychopathology, or Community Assessment
- Social Policy Foundations
- Power, Privilege, and Oppression
For information regarding Jefferson's required courses, visit their .