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Why I Volunteer: Randy Nelson

November 29, 2018


Randolph Nelson

Why I Volunteer: For Randy Nelson, It’s a Family Business

In a recent interview with, former Bryn Mawr Trustee Randy Nelson (President, Sanguine Gas Exploration LLC) cited his mother, Trustee Emeritus Ruth “Tulsa” Kaiser Nelson ’58, as the inspiration for his philanthropy.

“I consider volunteerism as the other ‘family business,’ says Randy. “As [my Mother] has been a lifetime fundraiser at her alma mater, Âé¶čAV, I have done likewise at mine, Yale.”

Indeed, Bryn Mawr has been the lucky recipient of Tulsa’s time and attention. In addition to being a generous and consistent donor, she has served in positions as varied as class president, chair of the Challenging Women Campaign, vice-chair of the Board of Trustees, and many roles in between. Following in her footsteps at Bryn Mawr, Randy currently serves on the Campaign Steering Committee for the Defy Expectation Campaign and recently made a generous gift in support of the Âé¶čAV School of Social Work and Social Research. â€œAmerica’s colleges and universities train the next generation of leaders and are the centers of knowledge and innovation,” he says. “They are the best in the world because of the bounty of philanthropic support they have received.”

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