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Summer Internship: Aakriti Dhital '21

September 10, 2020

Name: Aakriti Dhital
Class Year: 2021
Major: Economics
Hometown: Kathmandu, Nepal

Internship Organization:
Job Title: Research Intern
Location: Remote

What’s happening at your internship?

I am assisting with compilation of financial reports and working to establish broad access to quarterly manager information. I am also working on an investment perspective report on the renewable energy market in South Asia.

Why did you apply for this internship?

I was exploring opportunities that I felt would be a good fit for my skills and knowledge and that is how I landed this opportunity.

Working remotely for the first time? What has that experience been like for you?

I think it has been a both rewarding and challenging experience to work remotely. I have enjoyed the flexibility to work my own hours and take breaks when I feel like it. My daily check-in meetings with my manager were super helpful and I got to learn a lot. I would have liked more opportunities to bond with other colleagues and interns in the office.   

Can you give us three adjectives and three nouns that describe your internship experience?

Adjectives: Remote, Flexible, Independent
Nouns: Zoom, Coffee, Learning

Visit the Summer 2020 Internships page to read more student stories.

Department of Economics