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English Lecturer Matt Ruben | It’s Time for Responsible Gun Owners to Come Over From the Dark Side

October 5, 2017

English Lecturer Matt Ruben has penned a piece for Philadelphia Magazine on the need for gun owners and Second Amendment advocates to move beyond talking points in addressing gun violence.


"It is time for them to split from the venal hypocrites in Congress and the state houses and the gun manufacturers and their paid lobbyists at the NRA, and join the rest of us to advocate for reasonable, creative, and proven measures to reduce gun violence. These include, among other ideas, universal background checks, controls on ammunition and high-capacity magazines, increased funding and reduced constraints on ATF inspections and audits of gun shops, and bans on gun possession and ownership for people with records of domestic abuse."

Ruben is teaching an Emily Balch Seminar on "Poverty, Affluence, and American Culture" during the fall 2017 semester.

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