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Panel: “Building the Statewide Movement for Immigrant Justice†Online Panel and Discussion

September 29, 2017

Monday, Oct. 2, 9-10PM, online

Join multiple nonprofits in defense of migrant rights in an online panel discussion on what’s at stake in this moment for the DACA program and bills like HB 14/SB273, what’s next, and what you can do.

This fall, the White House announced steps to end the DACA program, which provides 800,000 young immigrants with desperately-needed work authorization and temporary relief from fear of deportation. Now more than ever, it’s time for young people to take action statewide—to defend DACA, resist bills like HB 14/SB273, which would defund PA’s “Sanctuary Campuses,†and win permanent protections and dignity for all immigrants.

Join the online panel discussion to hear speakers from:

  • Make the Road PA
  • PA Immigration and Citizenship Coalition
  • PA Student Power Network
  • Penn for Immigrant Rights
  • #Somos11Millones

Interested? Register . For more details, please visit the event’s Facebook .

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