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Digital Bryn Mawr T-shirt Contest (Submit by 9/30)

August 29, 2017

Bryn Mawr College's Digital Competencies Program helps students build the digital skills and critical perspectives on technology needed for success in the digital age.

Win a Kindle Fire and your printed T-shirt!

Create a T-shirt design expressing how you or other students use digital skills and technology at Bryn Mawr. 

T-shirt shows some small logos and words
Your Design Here

Winning designs will:

  • Include the words “Digital Bryn Mawrâ€
  • Be shared throughout the community!

To find out more about how you build digital competencies during your time at Bryn Mawr, visit

Submit by September 30. Download the worksheet for paper submissions here. You can submit:

Remember to include your name and email on all submissions!