Taking It Outside
How Bryn Mawr made the pandemic pivot to al fresco gatherings.

Senior Awards Ceremony
Like college campuses all over the nation, Bryn Mawr has found itself over the last 18 months playing a game of adaptation, with many gatherings that have typically taken place indoors moving outside to allow for better social distancing and fresh air amid the ongoing and fluctuating COVID-19 threat.
It helps that we are blessed with a beautiful and spacious campus with myriad green and leafy spots that lend themselves well to celebrating each other, building community, and taking classes al fresco. Hats off to our stellar grounds crew, too, for making all this outdoor living and learning look like, well, a walk in the park. And kudos to everyone on campus for helping to keep transmission rates remarkably low and our campus one of the very safest places to be.
Outdoor Classes on Rhoads Beach
Staff Picnic
Earth Day Pop Up
New Student Dessert
An Outdoor Classroom at English House
Community Building Honor Roll Ceremony
Textiles in Context 360° Class
Published on: 01/06/2022